WELCOME! The Murillo Minor Athletic Association (MMAA) is a rural association that operates a spring youth softball league on volunteer power. The MMAA is based in Murillo in the Municipality of Oliver-Paipoonge; west of the City of Thunder Bay, Ontario.
The MMAA welcomes those who want to be involved in our recreational league, either as a player or as a coach, umpire, volunteer etc. The only thing you need is the desire to have fun and to ensure that our area youth have the opportunity to play recreational sports in a safe and supportive manner. The goal of our league is to encourage good sportsmanship and the three F's; Fun, Friendship & Fitness.
Please take a few moments to browse our site and see what we are all about.
THE 3-Pitch DIVISION (Birth Years 2016 to 2018)
If you wish to be placed on the waiting list, send an email to mmaa1@tbaytel.net
See below for registration information & options.
The 2025 MMAA Softball Information Handout, under the website tab Forms/Rules/Handouts, provides additional details and answers to common questions about the MMAA Softball League and the 2025 season.
Division |
T-Ball |
3-Pitch |
Atom |
PeeWee |
Bantam |
Birth Year |
2021 2020 2019 |
2018 2017 2016 |
2015 2014 2013 |
2012 2011 2010 |
2009 2008 2007 2006 |
Softball Divisions are organized by player birth year. No Exceptions.
T-Ball: Introduction to softball basics. All players bat from a "T" each inning, players advance around all bases. The score is not recorded. 3 innings.
3-Pitch: All players bat each inning at 3 pitches from their Coach. Players advance to base if they hit the ball, and are not thrown or tagged out. The score is not recorded. 4 innings.
Atom: Modified softball rules apply. Players pitch. No base-stealing or sliding. Score is recorded. 5 innings.
PeeWee & Bantam: Normal softball rules apply, including base-stealing and sliding. Players pitch. Score is recorded. 5 innings.
The Registration Form can be found under the website tab Forms/Rules/Handouts
Be advised that the T-Ball and 3-Pitch Divisions will reach capacity very quickly, likely even before the first in-person registration dates, so don’t delay!
- Registration begins: Saturday February 1st, 2025
- Registration deadline: Sunday March 2nd, 2025, or sooner if player capacity is reached
- Late Registration Fee applies Monday March 3rd, 2025, if there is space available.
- If a Family Services Provider is paying on your behalf, you must inform us and send us a copy of the completed registration form
- Both a completed Registration Form AND full payment must be received to be considered registered.
- Make sure you know the T-shirt size and birthdate of the players registering. Special requests can be made, such as for travelling with a friend, but the MMAA cannot guarantee they will be accommodated. So if a request is critical, perhaps reconsider registering.
- Fee Structure:
- - Registration Fee is $75 per player, to a maximum of $225 per family (siblings)
- - Late Registration Fee is $25 per player, to a maximum of $75 per family (siblings)
- - Debit/Credit Transaction Fee is $2
- Payment Options:
- - Cash, Cheque (payable to the “MMAA”), or eTransfer to mmaa1@tbaytel.net;
- - Debit/Credit only available at in-person registration sessions for an additional $2 transaction fee.
- Registration Option #1:
- a) Print the Registration Form from the website tab Forms/Rules/Handouts;
- b) Thoroughly and legibly complete the two-page form, and be sure to sign Sections 5 and 6 on page 2;
- c) EITHER scan and email your registration form, and pay by eTransfer, to mmaa1@tbaytel.net; OR, drop your completed form, along with payment, in an envelope or plastic baggie, into the YELLOW LOCK BOX marked MMAA, located on the front entry porch at 63 Nicholetts Rd.
- Registration Option #2:
Attend one of the three In-Person Registration sessions at the Murillo Community Centre at 4569 Oliver Road (entrance to the main hall at the rear of the building) on:
- - Thursday February 13th from 6 pm to 8 pm
- - Tuesday February 18th from 11 am to 2 pm
- - Saturday February 22nd from 6 pm to 8 pm
Refund Policy: Prior to the Registration Deadline Date, player registration fees, excluding any paid Debit/Credit Transaction Fees, will be fully refunded. After the Registration Deadline Date, ONLY 50% of the registration fee will be refunded, excluding any paid Late Registration Fees, and excluding any paid Debit/Credit Transaction Fees, AND ONLY if a replacement player registers for the same Division.
Registration Begins: Saturday February 1st
In-Person Registration #1: Thursday February 13th from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the Murillo Community Centre
In-Person Registration #2: Tuesday February 18th from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Murillo Community Centre
In-Person Registration #3: Saturday February 22nd from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the Murillo Community Centre
Registration Deadline: Sunday March 2nd or sooner if player capacity is reached
Late Fees Apply: Monday March 3rd if spaces are still available
Coach Orientation Clinic: Tuesday April 8th from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm at the Murillo Community Centre
Umpire Clinic #1: Saturday April 12th from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm at the Rink Shack
Umpire Clinic #2: Sunday April 20th from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm at the Rink Shack
Ball Field Clean-Up Day: Saturday April 26th from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Season starts: Monday April 28th
Playoffs start: Thursday June 19th
Tournament/BBQ Day: Saturday June 21st
Softball games are played at the five ball diamonds located behind the Murillo Community Centre. The season runs in the spring from April 28th to our wind-up BBQ and Tournament Day on Saturday June 21st.
Each team normally plays two games per week on weekday evenings. There may be some weekend games depending on the number of teams, or for weather-related make-up games. There are no set game days of the week, as there are multiple teams per division; and each team will play each of the other teams a few times per season. The Bantam Division will not normally have games scheduled on Wednesdays (due to the dirt track racing). Teams in the older-aged divisions may also have a few scheduled practices.
Game schedules will be emailed and posted on the MMAA website. On weekday evenings, Coaches and players should arrive at the diamonds between 5:50 pm and 6:00 pm for team warm-up, practice and skills development before games. Game start time on is 6:30 pm for all Divisions. Game times on weekends are still to be determined.
On Tournament Day on Saturday June 21st, games are played throughout the day for all divisions. Atom, PeeWee and Bantam Divisions have a formal playoff. We also have a huge BBQ with food and beverages. Players and Coaches receive concession tickets for free food and drink; cash payment for others. Awards are handed out to all the players in the younger-aged divisions; and to the Tournament Day winners in the older-aged divisions! It's AWESOME!
Except for a ball glove and running shoes, all player equipment is provided, However, if you cannot afford a glove, the MMAA can provide. Please write the player’s name in/on their glove. If a player brings their own bat, it must be labeled “Official Softball Bat”, and the bat must be available to use by both teams. Write a name on the bat.
Every player will have a Team T-shirt and a ball cap to keep and wear for all games, as expected by the Team sponsor (jackets can be worn when it is cool, preferably under the shirt). For MMAA insurance purposes, running shoes and long pants (below the knee) must be worn. We recommend that you keep extra shoes and pants in your vehicle in case your child arrives without. Rubber cleats are permitted. Sandals / flip flops / metal cleats / boots are not permitted. Non-prescription sunglasses are not to be worn on the playing field.
Dress for the weather! Players and spectators need to be prepared for very cool and breezy weather at the ball diamonds, especially in May. Hats, mitts, warm jackets and blankets are recommended for spectators.
Registered players are assigned to teams using a balance of age, gender, and Coach-evaluated player skill from the previous season, and subject to the available Coaches. Sibling players, in the same division, will automatically be on the same team. Coaches will have their own children on their team. Special requests can be made but the MMAA cannot guarantee they will be accommodated. Every player/parent will be contacted by their Coach at least one week before the season starts to advise which team they are playing on; when their first game is; and if there is a pre-season team practice.
Our youth are game officials. Any registered MMAA player, born in 2014 or earlier, is eligible to be an Umpire. Umpires can accept pay or they can obtain high school volunteer hour credits. All Umpires, new and experienced, must attend one of the two pre-season umpire clinics, where softball rules and responsibilities are reviewed and discussed.
Umpire Clinics will be held on Saturday April 12th, 2025; and Sunday April 20th, 2025, from 10 am to 12:30 pm in the Rink Shack behind the Murillo Community Centre. Coaches (especially Atom, PeeWee and Bantam Coaches) are also welcome to attend.
The MMAA Softball Rules are located under the Forms/Rules/Handouts tab.
THANK YOU to all the MMAA volunteers who devote their time and ensure our softball league’s continued success! Want to get involved as a volunteer? Just complete the volunteer section on the registration form. We need Coaches, Scorekeepers, and other help with Tournament & BBQ Day, Team Photos, Uniforms, etc.
The only Coaching prerequisite is a desire to help the players and have fun. If you have some softball/baseball knowledge – even better! Each team needs at least two Coaches – preferably three. We will run through the basics with any new Coaches.
The Coach Orientation Clinic will be held for all new and seasoned Coaches on Tuesday April 8th, 2025, from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Murillo Community Centre (entrance to the main hall at the rear of the building).
It is due to the generosity of the business community and team sponsorships that we can provide T-shirts and ball caps for all the players and Coaches. Team sponsors will have their business name / logo printed on team shirts and hats. A team sponsorship is $375.
The 2025 SPONSORSHIP FORM is located under the Forms/Rules/Handouts tab. Please contact Joe or Karen for more information at mmaa1@tbaytel.net.
Thank you to the Municipality of Oliver-Paipoonge for the ongoing support with facility maintenance.
You can find more information about the MMAA softball league under the Forms/Rules/Handouts tab, including: 2025 Softball Information Handout; League Softball Rules; Codes of Conduct Policies; and the League's Concussion Policy.
Contact Joe or Karen by email at mmaa1@tbaytel.net.
MMAA Website: https://mmaa.tbay.me/
MMAA Facebook: MMAA-Murillo-Minor-Athletic-Association